Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to school/summer care

     Well its that time of year again. Back to school and around here thats tomorrow!  I dont know who is more excited me or her.  She is eager to make new friends and im looking forward to not being jumped the second I walk thru the door.  Shes been home couped up in the apt all day and all she wants is  some attention and to get out of the house.  All I want to do is be left alone and get into my  house.  I felt real bad for her this summer I think next year we'll put her in a daycare for just a few days a week so she can still socialize and get some of her energy out.  The only problem is how do we pay for it!? its really rediculous how much summer care costs.  I had an idea though!! Im not the only one who has this problem and even stay at home parents need time off to do chores and errands.  Start a summer daycare swap with other parents in my community that have children close to my daughters age.  The idea is that there are 5 familys each family takes one day during the week to keep the kids!!! Brilliant!!! The kids get to play and be entertained and the parents get to work and not hand over their paychecks to the daycare.  Yes I know this will only work for ppl who have a day off during the week and it has to be different than the other parents, but this could still work. There are how many kids in my community and daughters school?  If i work hard enough and start early enough I think it can be done.  I say start about March with the kids in her class and post a flyer around the neighborhood.  Well there is plenty of time to work out the tweaks.  Well like i said before we start school tomorrow and a new school at that.  We met the teacher last week and to be honest I didnt really get an impression.  I guess it will take a few weeks to see how she handles things.  She seemed very nice and pleasent but my daughter is very shy and has a bit of a perfection streak.  She will hold back for fear of not being right or perfect.  I was the same way and it held me back alot and that is my biggest chanllenge with her.  I have tried letting her know that failure is the best way to learn but she just dosent get it.  She thinks everyone else already knows how to do it and she is the only one who has to try and practice.  I hope with alot of encouragement and hugs and "it will be okays" she will trust herself more and not be afraid to fail.   Well lets see what this year will bring.  Please keep your hands, arms, and legs inside the car at all times and thankyou for reading Mia Pinion.

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